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Check This Out: Engine Bay Paint


Here at Wilson Auto Repair we want to give you tips that can help you accomplish any project you’re working on. See how this old Bronco gets a new paint job on its engine bay.

Click here to take a peak

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3133 Saturn Road Garland, Texas 75041

The Wilson Autor Repair Guide to Auto Body Work: Do’s and Don’ts of Classic Car Bodywork Restoration

As a classic car enthusiast, I understand the importance of preserving the beauty and elegance of a vintage car. However, classic car restoration is an intricate process that requires skill, patience, and attention to detail. Auto bodywork, in particular, plays an...


We are close to the finish line. The new owner probably thinks we will never complete this car. We are installing a new radiator to help cool the engine when the air conditioning is running. What a sweet car to drive and it will be a lot of fun with the top down...


We are close to the finish line. The new owner probably thinks we will never complete this car. We are installing a new radiator to help cool the engine when the air conditioning is running. What a sweet car to drive and it will be a lot of fun with the top down...


We are close to the finish line. The new owner probably thinks we will never complete this car. We are installing a new radiator to help cool the engine when the air conditioning is running. What a sweet car to drive and it will be a lot of fun with the top down...


We are close to the finish line. The new owner probably thinks we will never complete this car. We are installing a new radiator to help cool the engine when the air conditioning is running. What a sweet car to drive and it will be a lot of fun with the top down...