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Check This Out: Engine Bay Paint


Here at Wilson Auto Repair we want to give you tips that can help you accomplish any project you’re working on. See how this old Bronco gets a new paint job on its engine bay.

Click here to take a peak

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Tools You Should Keep in Your Classic in Case of Breakdowns or Emergencies

Even the finest restored classic cars encounter mechanical problems out on the road. When this situation arises, you will be happy that you have these tools on hand to help fix the issue and keep you safe.

Flat tires and issues with the engine are the most common problems. Here is a list we put together of items most commonly needed when something goes wrong with your classic car.

Primary Tool Kit – At a minimum we suggest you carry a flat head and Phillips-head screw driver, good channel lock pliers, an adjustable wrench. If possible, carry a socket set with you as well. You might want to bring more tools than this, but we suggest these as must haves. Throw in a roll of duct tape as well. This stuff can work miracles in an emergency.

Flashlight and Extra Batteries – Day or night you might find yourself in need of a flashlight. Need to see the fuse panel better or look at the underside of your vehicle? You will be happy you have that flashlight on hand. Might want to store some extra batteries with it as well. If you need to leave your vehicle at night and walk to find help, the flashlight will be priceless.

Jumper Cables – Who hasn’t encountered a dead battery at some time or another? Having cables can make all the difference. The difference being you getting a jump from another motorist or waiting for the tow truck to arrive.

Fuses/Light Bulbs – It doesn’t cost much to stock up on these. Having an assortment of fuses and light bulbs for your vehicle can prove to be money well spent. Fuses and bulbs are notorious for going out at inopportune times.

Oil and Coolants – Always carry at least 2 quarts of oil and a gallon of coolant. These two fluids are essential for a vehicle to operate. You might want to consider an empty gas can as well just in case you forgot to fill up and run out.

Spare Tire/Tire Iron/ Car Jack – A spare tire should be an obvious thing to have in your vehicle. Flat tires are the most common issue causing motorists to be stranded. You are also going to need a working car jack and tire iron to remove the lug nuts. It’d be pretty tough to put on the new spare without them. Tossing a tire pressure gauge in the glove box is also a good idea. One other handy item to keep with you? A can of Fix-a-Flat!

Fire Extinguisher – We pray you never have to use this tool, but it can be one of the most important on the list. Don’t learn the hard way by overlooking this crucial tool. Having a fire extinguisher can stop a minor fire from becoming a complete loss of your classic collector.

First Aid – You don’t need much with this tool. A small, basic kit from your local grocer or pharmacy will probably be enough for any minor injuries you might encounter out on the road. Add specific items to the first aid kit to meet any specific needs your family members may have.

Basic Survival Gear – Drinking water, non-perishable food like an MRE, and a blanket are also good items to have just in case you get seriously stranded. Water also can come in really handy if you need some extra for an overheated engine.

Warning Triangle/Flares – Safety first! Emergency triangles and flares let other motorists know you are on the side of the road. They are easily spotted from a safe distance which helps prevent collisions. Flares are a great additional level of protection during nighttime breakdowns.

This list of basic road side emergency items is what we believe every classic car owner should consider keeping with them on the road. Of course there are additional items you may want to include to customize your emergency kit. Depending on the time of year you may require items for the specific season. There is also the chance that your classic has its own unique issues and may require a special tool. Additional fan belts, duct tape, wire cutters and extra hoses might just make the difference… It might be better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it.