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Check This Out: Engine Bay Paint


Here at Wilson Auto Repair we want to give you tips that can help you accomplish any project you’re working on. See how this old Bronco gets a new paint job on its engine bay.

Click here to take a peak

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Tips to Prep Your Classic Car or Truck for Winter Storage

It’s that time of year again, actually for parts of the country, that time of year begun some weeks ago. We are talking about winter.  After seeing more than a foot of snow fall in regions of the Carolinas, we realized we need to revisit some storage tips for classic cars and trucks.

One thing all classic cars have in common regardless of make or model is their susceptibility to the elements.  Cars can literally rust away before your very eyes if not properly cared for, especially during the winter months.  With proper care however, our common classic car enemy, corrosion, can be kept at bay.

Storing your classic in a professional, climate-controlled facility can cost big bucks.  For most car collectors, this simply isn’t an option.  Never to fear though as with a small budget we can show you ways to store your vehicle over the winter even if you do not have a garage!

Where to Store Your Classic During Winter

Alright, most collectors will at least have a garage, but in case you don’t, there are inflatable car covers for outdoors that can really help to protect from snow and other elements.   There are a few of these available that can actually control the temperature and even humidity levels.

While these outdoor covers are better than nothing, they can often leave access to the undercarriage.  This means rats, rodents and other vermin can create nests in the engine bay and what not.  For some reason, rodents really like the taste of wire coating and have been known to chew completely through the wire harness. Honda has come up with a way to discourage their fetish with Honda Motor Tape. The tape is infused with pepper which stops mice and rats from chewing.

We have a whole article on how to stop mice, rats and rodents from hibernating in your classic car this winter.  Don’t think just because you have a garage you are impervious to these little pests.  They are quite ingenious and determined to make a winter nest and often find their ways into people’s garages and homes.

If you are lucky enough to have garage space to store your classic car or truck, you are in luck.  With regular maintenance and a good storage plan, you will certainly be able to safely store your prized possession.

How to Prep You Classic Car or Truck for Winter 

Every year we remind our readers on the steps to take when getting a classic car or truck ready for winter storage.  This year is no different.  When you are ready to end the cruising season, we have some excellent tips to get your vehicle ready.

Here are 10 tips to get your collector car ready for winter storage.  For an in-depth explanation of each tip, see our full article titled “Ten Tips to Get Your Classic Ready for Winter Storage”.

  1. Wash & Detail Your Classic Car
  2. Grease & Lube the Fittings
  3. Bleed the Brakes & Depress the Clutch
  4. Drain the Fuel
  5. Change the Oil
  6. Drain the Cooling System
  7. Disconnect the Battery
  8. Jack it Up
  9. Pay Attention to Details
  10. Cover Your Car

How to Maintain Your Classic Car or Truck Through Winter 

Getting your ride ready for winter storage is only part of the plan.  Classic cars need regular maintenance through the winter to keep them in tip top shape.  That way you can be confident they will be ready to roll come springtime.

Again, we have a fully detailed article we wrote in 2016 titled “5 Tips for Maintaining Your Classic Car or Truck This Winter”, that details the steps to take during the winter months to properly maintain your classic.

Here is a basic breakdown of these 5 maintenance tips:

  1. Guard from Elements
  2. Fire up the Engine Occasionally
  3. Take Your Car for a Quick Cruise (weather permitting)
  4. Keep your Classic Clean
  5. Protect with Wax

We hope you have a wonderful holiday season and use our tips to keep your classic cars safe and sound this winter.  Happy Holidays!