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Check This Out: Engine Bay Paint


Here at Wilson Auto Repair we want to give you tips that can help you accomplish any project you’re working on. See how this old Bronco gets a new paint job on its engine bay.

Click here to take a peak

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Ten Tips to Get Your Classic Ready for Winter Storage

Despite a few bad storms, the summer weather for 2017 has been fantastic!  It is early November and most areas of the country are still experiencing daily temperatures in the 50s and 60s.  Enjoy it while it lasts because it won’t be long before winter is in full effect.  Classic car owners everywhere are making the most of a long season, but most of us will eventually have to put our prized street machines into hibernation.

When you are ready to end the cruising season, we have some excellent tips to get your vehicle ready.

1. Wash & Detail Your Classic Car
Before you tuck your classic away for winter it is crucial that you remove all the dirt, debris and road grime off the body and undercarriage.  After you have all the nooks and crannies cleaned it is time to add a good coat of wax to help protect it while in storage.  Cover all the chrome with polish. But don’t wipe it off until spring.  In addition, make sure to give all the rubber a good lube with silicone grease to keep it from drying out.  Finally, clean the interior really well.  Make sure there aren’t any crumbs left behind that could attract any rodents.

2. Grease & Lube the Fittings
Pack the front wheel bearings with fresh grease and give the suspension and steering some fresh grease as well. If your vehicle has lube fittings, carefully fill the universal joints. This is something that should be done as part of your regular maintenance routine anyway and this is the perfect time to get this task done.

3. Bleed the Brakes & Depress the Clutch
End of the season is a good time to get rid of the old brake fluid and replace it with new stuff.  This is one of the best ways to keep your brake system from deteriorating.  Depress the clutch if you have a manual transmission.  Simply place a 2×4 against the clutch pedal and the frame of the front seat. Don’t place it against the seat cushion as it might stretch it out and leave a lasting mark in the fabric or leather. Clutch plates are notorious for sticking together during winter storage.

4. Drain the Fuel
If you plan on storing your classic car or truck for more than 5 months, you should drain the fuel system entirely. After draining the tank, you should then run the engine to make sure all the old fuel is completely out of the fuel lines as well. Fuel will break down after 5 months or so and can cause some damaging effects to your carburetor and valves. If you only plan to store your car for a few months, then you can use a fuel stabilizer to delay the fuel from degrading.

5. Change the Oil
Give your engine some fresh oil.  It will keep better during storage. When you bring your classic out of storage it is a good idea to change the oil once again. Fresh oil is key to maintaining your vehicle’s performance and should never be skimped on.

6. Drain the Cooling System
Completely drain the radiator and leave the petcock open and the radiator cap off so that air can properly circulate through the system during the winter. You should also remove the heater hoses and drain any water from the heater as well.

7. Disconnect the Battery
Disconnect the battery and store it in a dry place off the floor. Attach a trickle charger to it so that it keeps its charge throughout the winter. If there is any corrosion build up on the battery terminals you should clean it off with a mixture of baking soda and water using a wire. A thin coat of grease can be applied to the terminals to help prevent water from coming in contact and corroding.

8. Jack it Up
Put your classic car or truck up on jack stands and remove the tires for storage. Leaving the car on the tires during winter storage can create flat spots in the tires and it is also unnecessary weight on your suspension. Let the jack stands do the heavy lifting during the winter. Stack your tires on their sides with a piece of cardboard in between them to help prevent scratching or scuffing the wheels and tires. It’s probably best to cover them as well. A garbage bag around each tire will do the trick.

9. A Few More Details
Sometimes it’s the small details that have a large inpact… Roll down your windows about a quarter inch to let air circulate throughout the car. This will help to stop odors from forming in stale air. Place a few open boxes of baking soda in the car to help absorb excess moisture and odors. Cover up the carburetor with a plastic bag to keep any moisture out. Finally stuff a rag up the tailpipe to keep any critters from crawling inside your exhaust system. Just don’t forget to take it out after winter has passed. It can be an embarrassing reason why your car won’t start. It is a good idea to write down all the steps you took to prepare your car for storage and leave that list on the front seat. This will make remembering all the things you need to reverse come spring much easier.

10. Cover Your Car
The last step is to cover your classic to protect it from dust and any other elements from damaging your paint. Cotton flannel covers are preferred as they breathe well and are ultra-soft against your paint job. Polyester cotton blends are not so great as they trap heat and don’t breathe that well. They tend to trap moisture. Never cover your car with plastic. Condensation can form on the plastic keeping the water right against the body of your car. Make sure you get a material that can breathe.

If you have the time it is a good idea to run your vehicle at least once a month to keep everything lubed up and moving. Just make sure you top off the cooling system, check the oil and other fluids, fill up the gas tank enough and remove the rag from the tailpipe. Of course, you will need to repeat some of the steps above to put everything back into storage mode, but it’s worth the extra time and effort.