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Check This Out: Engine Bay Paint


Here at Wilson Auto Repair we want to give you tips that can help you accomplish any project you’re working on. See how this old Bronco gets a new paint job on its engine bay.

Click here to take a peak

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Projects at Wilson Auto During March 2016

Spring is here and we are steadily finishing some restoration projects at Wilson Auto Repair so our classic car clients can get back out onto the open road. March has been a busy month for us and we would like to give you an inside look at two projects we have going on at the shop.


The first is a 1969 Mustang Convertible restoration that we are currently working on. When the car arrived we found that the floors had been rusted completely through and needed to be entirely replaced.


Upon further inspection we found that in some areas multiple patches had been attempted over time. They were laid on top of each other and we found over three layers of metal as we were cutting out the old floors.




After some careful surgery, we were able to remove the old floor completely.

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We have laid the new floor in its place for a test fit.

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We then screwed the floor in place to make sure we had a perfect fit before we welded the new floor back onto the Mustang.

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You can see that we will have to replace the front shock towers in the engine compartment by the rust seen in the picture above.

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Here you can see us measuring the old shock tower and recording the measurements. We us a tool called a tram for measuring.


We can then compare our measurements to the spec sheet which shows the exact measurements of the Mustang.




As you can now see, we have removed both of the old shock towers and inner fenders infected with rust and are ready to replace it with fresh metal.

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With the new shock towers and inner fenders installed, we can continue on with the restoration for this 1969 Ford Mustang.


Another project we are working on this March is a 1957 Chevy restoration. You can see in the image above that there was quite a bit of rust that had eaten through the right hand side of the car.


So we went ahead and cut out the corroded area and replaced it with a new fabricated panel.


We welded in the new body panel and finished it off with some bodywork to make it look as good as new.